Achieve a higher level of performance and quality with 35% more active flats and a 14% extended carding length.
The TC 30i comes with T-GO, the only proven and automatic gap optimizer for operator-independent efficiency. Quality and productivity can be increased via its flexible features. And it always ensures the optimal carding gap setting.
Create more value from waste through sophisticated waste suction. This makes it possible to reuse more than 50% of card waste in a high-quality manner. Alternatively, high-quality waste can be sold to third parties for an attractive price.
Trützschler cleaners with WASTECONTROL have ensured the best raw material utilization and minimum waste for years. From now on, WASTECONTROL is also part of the intelligent carding with the TC 30i.
The optical sensor of WASTECONTROL permanently monitors the waste quality at the most important cleaning point, the licker-in. If too many good fibers are registered in the waste, the system optimizes the mote knife adjusting system via the servo motor.
The influence of WASTECONTROL on the cost-effectiveness of carding is tremendous.
Whereas on other cards the waste separation is not measurable and cannot be influenced during production, the TC 30i always works at optimum efficiency thanks to the permanently measured data.
My Mill offers you a transparent view of your entire spinning mill.
Generate quick wins, cut costs, save time and optimize processes with little effort.
The next-generation TC 30i carding machine is available in four versions that are designed for specific processing parameters: